Yeah, I know I am a terrible person, once again, It has been months since my last post, fair to say though. Life has been pretty interesting for me.
That however is no excuse for moths of silence!
Let me tell you!
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Hmm, what is that you say?
Otago university is incredible, it is so huge and there are so many people, I now know enough people that if I walk around I don't feel so alone, I always recognise somebody. The focus of this year is too make a future for myself, to become a doctor, and along the way I have discovered that there is so much I am passionate about, being caught up in the dream, takes away from the journey, and in life it is only about the journey.
University is something that I had seen on movies, going to classes, and parties, studying nonstop, drinking nonstop. Dont get me wrong, this does happen, just not the way I thought it would. Movies paint us this picture, sometimes so well you feel like you have been there and done it, but this is not what I was expecting. :) I don't study twentyfourseven, I am not buried under a mountain or books and papers nearly as high as myself. I am not perfect, I often don't study as much as I need to, finding ways to procrastinate, But I do the work in the end, it always gets done.
Up until this morning in fact I hadn't missed a lecture, for me attending a lecture is more beneficial than an hour of study. I learn more in the fifty minute lecture then in three hours hard study. So instead I try and do both, I don't like not lectures. Although everything is recorded and later on this evening I plan to watch the lecture I missed.
So as far as studying is going, I am not doing enough, and if I want to get into a professional course I need to do more, heck if I want to so my absolute best I need to do more, it is why I cam here and although along the way I have found other things that brighten my day I haven't lost my passion, my original purpose or my dream. The light hasn't died, everyday it grows a little brighter.
What I am studying is absolutely amazing. I am in love with HUBS, in fact there is an anatomy course I could take next year that focuses specifically on Bones and anatomy, something I would love, I struggle to understand where this could lead in the future and that is what holds me back.
See Sometimes I feel like I want to be able to say, hey world I am a dr, is this really where my passion lies, is being a doctor really what I want to do. This is the year for these questions, and slowly they will be answered.
I do love what I am studying and very rarely regret my decision or struggle to get out of bed. in fact i get excited at what I am learning. This year isn't super hard it is just a lot of work. It just means sometimes you have to say no I cant do that with you I am going to stay home study. The biggest part of this year is time management, and responsibility.
As far as school work goes, I love HUBS and CELS and have my mid terms for them, they went okay, it pointed out the amount of work I need to do in order for them to go even better, showed me my weaknesses and taught me about the formate of the exam.
PHSI and CHEM are the biggest struggle for me and to make matters worse they are the ones I put the least amount of effort into. The one thing I know not to do, but I want to study what I enjoy studying.
Lectures are insane, there are so many people in one room, and the lecturer just talks at you the entire time, while you furiously scribble and listen simultaneously in an attempt to understand everything they're saying, because they have so much information to get through, very few stop, but some have demonstrations and entertainment breaks.
the interlinking system uni has set up so that only one class gets the lecturer and the others get streamed a live copy is terrible, it breaks more often then it works, seems extremely frustrating for the IT department, makes some lectures really annoying, but when it goes well, it is actually not to bad. :)
University is something that I had seen on movies, going to classes, and parties, studying nonstop, drinking nonstop. Dont get me wrong, this does happen, just not the way I thought it would. Movies paint us this picture, sometimes so well you feel like you have been there and done it, but this is not what I was expecting. :) I don't study twentyfourseven, I am not buried under a mountain or books and papers nearly as high as myself. I am not perfect, I often don't study as much as I need to, finding ways to procrastinate, But I do the work in the end, it always gets done.
Up until this morning in fact I hadn't missed a lecture, for me attending a lecture is more beneficial than an hour of study. I learn more in the fifty minute lecture then in three hours hard study. So instead I try and do both, I don't like not lectures. Although everything is recorded and later on this evening I plan to watch the lecture I missed.
So as far as studying is going, I am not doing enough, and if I want to get into a professional course I need to do more, heck if I want to so my absolute best I need to do more, it is why I cam here and although along the way I have found other things that brighten my day I haven't lost my passion, my original purpose or my dream. The light hasn't died, everyday it grows a little brighter.
What I am studying is absolutely amazing. I am in love with HUBS, in fact there is an anatomy course I could take next year that focuses specifically on Bones and anatomy, something I would love, I struggle to understand where this could lead in the future and that is what holds me back.
See Sometimes I feel like I want to be able to say, hey world I am a dr, is this really where my passion lies, is being a doctor really what I want to do. This is the year for these questions, and slowly they will be answered.
I do love what I am studying and very rarely regret my decision or struggle to get out of bed. in fact i get excited at what I am learning. This year isn't super hard it is just a lot of work. It just means sometimes you have to say no I cant do that with you I am going to stay home study. The biggest part of this year is time management, and responsibility.
As far as school work goes, I love HUBS and CELS and have my mid terms for them, they went okay, it pointed out the amount of work I need to do in order for them to go even better, showed me my weaknesses and taught me about the formate of the exam.
PHSI and CHEM are the biggest struggle for me and to make matters worse they are the ones I put the least amount of effort into. The one thing I know not to do, but I want to study what I enjoy studying.
Lectures are insane, there are so many people in one room, and the lecturer just talks at you the entire time, while you furiously scribble and listen simultaneously in an attempt to understand everything they're saying, because they have so much information to get through, very few stop, but some have demonstrations and entertainment breaks.
the interlinking system uni has set up so that only one class gets the lecturer and the others get streamed a live copy is terrible, it breaks more often then it works, seems extremely frustrating for the IT department, makes some lectures really annoying, but when it goes well, it is actually not to bad. :)
Time and time again.
It has now been well over a month since I have last posted, Many times i have sat down and told myself I am going to try and put the last month into words to no avail, but alas I will do it. There are several topics with which I should cover, friendships, relationships, and uni. The reason I haven’t made a post in so long is because I haven’t had a clue where to begin, because so much has happened, that it is almost unbelievable.
What I have learnt from the previous month, is that life flies by so incredibly fast, it doesn’t slow down it doesn’t wait and it can be incredible.
I believe in stopping to smell the roses because I need to appreciate the little things more, but I haven’t had the chance to do that in a while.
For me this last month has been the best month for a long long time. I say this sitting at university with a coffee, preparing to study before my next lecture, I am still astounded that I managed to get here. Infant I’m rather shocked by everything.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
At the moment I am studying and getting ready for the mid tests. So I am pretty busy.
But what I came on here to talk about was that for me I am quite lonely. I have a few friends, but none really close, so sometimes I go whole days without talking to really anyone and because I flat and they are all busy as well I am finding it hard. Honestly we have all felt lonely, and those first few weeks before you make friends in your classes are the worst, I dont know if it is particularly harder because I am doing health science, and people seem to have this whole idea that it is like the hunger games, people are in this for themselves we cant all make it and people do get malicious that is a fact. The other hard part is that nearly everybody is in halls, and they all know each other. They come in huge packs and sit together, and it leaves some of us out. So I am doing what I do best and that is some research, for me I want to learn to channel the loneliness into studying. Honestly though, the results aren't looking good, we are human, we like to connect and talk.
I do know that I haven't been here very long, and I will make friends, and I also know that having friends can be a real problem for me and I tend to get distracted, but I also know that we don't do well with out friends.
I guess it is about continuing.
Ill make them, but this will also be a really good lesson in solitude, being happy by myself without getting use to it and forgetting how to let someone be a friend.
But what I came on here to talk about was that for me I am quite lonely. I have a few friends, but none really close, so sometimes I go whole days without talking to really anyone and because I flat and they are all busy as well I am finding it hard. Honestly we have all felt lonely, and those first few weeks before you make friends in your classes are the worst, I dont know if it is particularly harder because I am doing health science, and people seem to have this whole idea that it is like the hunger games, people are in this for themselves we cant all make it and people do get malicious that is a fact. The other hard part is that nearly everybody is in halls, and they all know each other. They come in huge packs and sit together, and it leaves some of us out. So I am doing what I do best and that is some research, for me I want to learn to channel the loneliness into studying. Honestly though, the results aren't looking good, we are human, we like to connect and talk.
I do know that I haven't been here very long, and I will make friends, and I also know that having friends can be a real problem for me and I tend to get distracted, but I also know that we don't do well with out friends.
I guess it is about continuing.
Ill make them, but this will also be a really good lesson in solitude, being happy by myself without getting use to it and forgetting how to let someone be a friend.
Saturday, 27 February 2016
OKAY, Just to help get all the years study tips in one place
As far as university studying goes, it is more about taking things a little by little. From what I gather, I need to stop procrastinating and have self discipline.
Study guide, making sure you know what you are doing at every moment.
Review material regularly.
Review your notes daily.
Rewriting and integrating textbook notes straight after class.
Reviewing notes weekly.
Identifying your weaknesses as soon as they present themselves.
Identify exam specifics.
Look at previous tests.
Create your course outline.
Building a problem set. (?? look into this one)

Plan your time.
Study actively. (Post about this.)

Study groups.
Supported learning groups.
Prepare flash cards
Create diagrams,
Practise Questions
Study guide, making sure you know what you are doing at every moment.
Review material regularly.
Review your notes daily.
Rewriting and integrating textbook notes straight after class.
Reviewing notes weekly.
Identifying your weaknesses as soon as they present themselves.
Identify exam specifics.
Look at previous tests.
Create your course outline.
Building a problem set. (?? look into this one)

Plan your time.
Study actively. (Post about this.)

Study groups.
Supported learning groups.
Prepare flash cards
Create diagrams,
Practise Questions
Whoops I never posted this. Ah well better late then never.
University is one of the few times you get to make a fresh start.
So it is important for me that I grow as a person this year:
By trying new things, to develop life experiences, personal beliefs and world views.
Not being afraid to fail, following my dreams is something to proud of no matter how this year ends, knowing I tried is better then never having tried at all.
Talking to strangers, people have experiences they can pass on, stories to tell and every person you meet teaches you something new.
Being open to change. "what got you where you are today, will not get you where go tomorrow."
Stop trying to fit in, honestly there is no such thing, be yourself, it makes you happier.
Dont get hung up on being perfect. This is true for me, sometimes I just want things to go so well I forget to live in the moment and enjoy them. It is often the things that don't go quite right that give us the most to remember.
Be selfish, take care of yourself before others, then take care of others. You can be a caring person with out being swept away and putting others before yourself, and doing that doesn't mean you have to treat others around you like crap. Everything has balance.
Celebrate milestones, that is life, every little moment that puts a smile on your face.
University is one of the few times you get to make a fresh start.
So it is important for me that I grow as a person this year:
By trying new things, to develop life experiences, personal beliefs and world views.
Not being afraid to fail, following my dreams is something to proud of no matter how this year ends, knowing I tried is better then never having tried at all.
Talking to strangers, people have experiences they can pass on, stories to tell and every person you meet teaches you something new.
Being open to change. "what got you where you are today, will not get you where go tomorrow."
Stop trying to fit in, honestly there is no such thing, be yourself, it makes you happier.
Dont get hung up on being perfect. This is true for me, sometimes I just want things to go so well I forget to live in the moment and enjoy them. It is often the things that don't go quite right that give us the most to remember.
Be selfish, take care of yourself before others, then take care of others. You can be a caring person with out being swept away and putting others before yourself, and doing that doesn't mean you have to treat others around you like crap. Everything has balance.
Celebrate milestones, that is life, every little moment that puts a smile on your face.
O week
There was a pass you could purchase for $155, this pass allowed you to go to the toga party, the concerts and 5 rugby tickets. Now for me that was $155 I didn't have and so I didn't purchase it.
Even with out the pass though I still had a good time.
I did all of the free stuff. I spent my days going to development classes, tours, my english test and preliminary lectures. Honestly It wasn't too bad, I can say I had fun doing all of this.
What I really enjoyed about O week, was throwing a pizza party with the girls, spending my days at tent city, or at friends houses lounging about. The free food, and free stuff I got everywhere I went, the BBQ, the food festival, clubbing, the rummage sale, clubs day, going to town, shopping, and the comedy show. This was O week, and I am glad to have experienced all of it before going back to school, I have enjoyed this week immensely. But it is Sunday and O week is over, so now it is time to get serious, but also to enjoy this time it's a huge experience and once that isn't meant to be spent locked in your room, furiously scribbling notes and reading books.
For me it is about enjoying the learning, not everyone gets the opportunity to learn the extraordinary things I am going to learn, so that is why I want to savour it.
I have spent a little time researching how to make sure this is a good year academically, great studying habits to make now. Which I will follow, while also discovering what works for me.
New year, new me.
There as an abundance of knowledge to be learnt.
Even with out the pass though I still had a good time.
I did all of the free stuff. I spent my days going to development classes, tours, my english test and preliminary lectures. Honestly It wasn't too bad, I can say I had fun doing all of this.
What I really enjoyed about O week, was throwing a pizza party with the girls, spending my days at tent city, or at friends houses lounging about. The free food, and free stuff I got everywhere I went, the BBQ, the food festival, clubbing, the rummage sale, clubs day, going to town, shopping, and the comedy show. This was O week, and I am glad to have experienced all of it before going back to school, I have enjoyed this week immensely. But it is Sunday and O week is over, so now it is time to get serious, but also to enjoy this time it's a huge experience and once that isn't meant to be spent locked in your room, furiously scribbling notes and reading books.
For me it is about enjoying the learning, not everyone gets the opportunity to learn the extraordinary things I am going to learn, so that is why I want to savour it.
I have spent a little time researching how to make sure this is a good year academically, great studying habits to make now. Which I will follow, while also discovering what works for me.
New year, new me.
There as an abundance of knowledge to be learnt.
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