Saturday 23 January 2016

It is nearly the end of my shift at work, all that is left to complete is filling the linen cupboards with all the clean laundry collected through out the day. As I push my white trolley through the lounge I am addressed by an elderly man about 80 sitting at one of the tables reading his newspaper.
"Hello darling, how are you?" He says winking, and folding the newspaper away.
"I'm good Bill" I reply politely, "How are you?"
Not to be rude, but also not to lengthen my shift any longer then I already have I go to continue, when he pipes up with "Yeah, you are looking good."
I can only imagine the look on his face as I have already turned away, but I know it all to well, the cheeky grin he gets around every female, resident or staff. I laugh silently, a smile that continues the rest of the day.
Still surrounded by scandals at 80, claims to be dating half the residents in here, while flirting outrageously with everyone else. Including his wife.
Yes he has still got it.
Even at 80.

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