Sunday 24 January 2016

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Bucket list. Damn it another list. I was rather hoping to avoid these for a while. Straying away from my clichéd list making. Which I do love, but would rather not bore anyone with.

Ahhh well, nothing I can do about it now (I say writing another list, when I could just stop, but I wont).

For me the point of a bucket list, is to make sure that you live your life the best you can.

-I want to travel, It isn't enough to say that I am now going to tell you were I want to go as far as travel is concerned. Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Philippines, Spain and America. Ya know just off the top of my head.
-Learn a new language. Oh that is something I am learning, but I am not fluent, I would like to be able to hold a conversation in several languages.
-Achieve my ideal weight, yeah I am getting there.
-Run a marathon, yeah I would love to do that.
-Take part in a triathlon.
-Play a new sport. Oh I think uni is the place to do that. although I have played a lot of sports and I do imagine that all the ones I don't play are boring. WAIT, Archery. Now that would be cool.
-Scuba diving. Yes, yes, yes. I will have to become a stronger swimmer though.
-Skiing. A thousand times yes.
-Sky diving. To be honest my heart skipped a beat when I wrote that. I won't be too disappointed if I don't complete it, I know Id love it if I did.
-Zorbing, ya know a Kiwi invention with those clear balls.
-White water rafting.
-Zip lining.
-Climb a mountain.
-Fall in love. Sigh. I think this for me will be the hardest of them all.
-Give a heartfelt surprise to someone.
-Perform a kind deed. I really hope to do this more then once.
-Make a difference in someones life.
-Mentor someone.
-Follow my passion.
-Fly in a hot air balloon.
-Sing to an audience. I cant sing. At all.
-Do volunteer work. Already on my life plan.
-Befriend a stranger.
-Buy a drink for a stranger.
-Walk/dance barefoot in the rain.
-Experience a sunrise, sunset.
-see the northern lights.
-Go star gazing.
-Plant a tree and watch it grow.
-Get a pet. A gold fish. I have always wanted one. I am terrible with pets. It will die. I am sorry in advance, I will try my best but... I am just... well a terrible person.
-PUBLISH A BOOK. Well, Yeah, that could be you know my dream.
-Do public speaking, in from of thousands of people.
-Throw a mega party. and then hide the entire night. :) Uni is the place.
- Get a complete makeover.
-Matchmake. :) Yeah it wouldn't last. :P Or maybe it would.
-Go on a blind date.
-Further my eduction. Ahem.
-Learn a musical instrument. Uni.
-Learn to dance.
-Learn a martial art.
-Go on a road trip.
-Swim with dolphins.
-Move countries for six months.
-Act in a film, and Id be fabulous.
-Feature in the media for something you are proud of.
-Learn to knit.
-Create your dream home.
-Learn to cook.
-Learn to bake.
-Read a book on a subject you hadn't though of reading.
-Fly a kite.
-Fall asleep on grassy plains.
-Try cleansing.
-Fold 1000 origami cranes.
-Conquer your biggest fear. Unfortunately that is a toss up between heights and love.
-Go on a meditation retreat.
-Start a movement.
-See cherry blossoms in Japan. They are beautiful.
-Bury the hatchet with people you had conflict with.
-Get closure for past unhappiness.
-Do something out of character.
-Fly first class.
-Hit the bulls eye on a dart board.
-Visit a volcano.
-Fly in a helicopter.
-Meet someone you dream to meet. Im thinking Benedict Cumberbatch. AWESOME.
-Ride a rollercoaster.
-Go on a cruise.
-Try a frontline job. Just for the experience.
-Be in a  constant fulfilling relationship.
-Go on a romantic get away.
-So a somersault.
-Visit a castle.
-Change the world.
-Help someone in need.
-Learn sign language.
-See the mona lisa.
-Go to a costume party.
-Gain enlightenment.
-Get married
-Have kids.

I am glad that isn't stupidly long, and a little pointless. :)
Some of those are so broad, and some so specific.
The world has so much to offer. I want to accept it all.
Well okay there are a few things int he world that I would like to give a skip.
You know what I mean.

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