Saturday 23 January 2016

The year, as I now see it.

So far, this has been an awesome year.
I got accepted into University to study what i wanted to study and the flat I was after, and this super cute chest that goes at the end of your bed. :)
I just bought the most amazeballs dress.
Removed unnecessary stress.
Getting along really well with my family. :)
My family have nearly finished fighting the 5 year war against EQC to get their house fixed.
My parents are getting a debt consolidation, so they will have a little more money each week, which will be unusual because my family have always been really tight with money.
Im nearly packed.
My brother passed year 12 and seems more into his studies.
My sisters friends are her friends again, yeah she is at that age.
Weight loss is going well.
Brothers homeschooling is going great.
My little brothers computer addiction has finally come to an end, he is spending more time outside.

Altogether My mum and dad seem, well happy. Everyone seems happy.
This has been a really great start to the year, I would appreciate it if it would continue.


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