Thursday 14 January 2016


What I need to take as recommended by others who have previously done it, chances are they'll know best.
They recommend travelling light, my room wont be that large, plus I will accumulate more through out the year. This will be seriously hard for me, I have a lot of stuff, and am a borderline hoarder so I seem to think I can't live with out any of it, such a lie, I could live with out a lot of it, but I really want the unnecessary stuff, they make things feel homely. Some how though I will pack only the essentials, and a few random items to keep me sane, things that remind me of me, like a clock collection. 

Packing up your whole life can be daunting, and besides what you already know you need to bring, a list of things that may be forgotten while attempting to pack your life. While filling boxes with useless items I probably will forget the really important things that I need, and to be honest I don't know what most of the things ill need are. So a lot will be forgotten. 

1. Blankets, duvets, sheets, pillows, mattress protector, extra blankets. Well duh, this I have, although I hadn't considered extra blankets, and the advice said 'no matter the size of the bed, go for the queen sized bedding, because you will eventually have a large bed' and as a student I will not have the money to buy a second lot. :P
2. Door stop. My mum makes a cute owl door stop I wonder if she will make one for my room, that would make it more homely. What is homely though?
3. Hangers. I have cute wooden ones, and back up black ones. 
4. Basic cleaning products. Because I am going to clean :P
5. Ear plugs. I can only imagine why I will need these, because ill buy some and won't have to hear the reality :D

1. First aid kit. I am very clumsy. I own one, but ill need to top it up.
2. Basic medicines. Isn't that part of a first aid kit.
3. Everyday things; shampoo, conditioner, soap, tooth paste, tooth brush, razor, ect. Noooooooo! I will go a full year with out washing anything :) I think I've made my point. 
4. Laundry basket I honestly think they're cute, plus I can carry stuff to my room using one.
5. Bath mat Again, very clumsy. 
6. Towel and hand towel. I really want an excuse to buy matching ones. :) 

1. plates and bowls. I feel like a lot of this is very apparent, but since I am huge fan of making lists I will continue. 
2. Cutlery. My fear of the three-tined forks, which isn't actually a fork, three tines is for a trident, forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the seven seas. :)
3. Recipe book. I actually want to find cheap, healthy recipes. 
4. wooden spoon, spatular, colander, scissors. Id like to see myself cook with out any of these. 
5. knives. You call that a knife, this is a knife. 
6. Chopping board. Ya, I am a spaz. :P
7. Grater. I LOOOOOOOOVE cheese. 
8. Baking tray. To bake?
9. Pots and pans. To cook?
10. Tea towels. To towl?
11. Glasses and mugs. Like I own glasses, I am still young and under the belief that mugs are both bowls and cups. 

1. Stationary. Why do I need stationary, It is not like I'm off to study and will need writing implements. 
2. Academy diary. I dont know what that is. 
3. Electronics, charger, extension leads. Again, I'm gonna go with, first thing packed. :)
4. Important documents, passport Probably gonna need ID
5. Drivers licences. Getting that next week, when I eventually stop working. 
6. wallet. Yup
7. CV, references. I might ask my boss to write me one when I leave. 
8. torch Power cuts? I hope that is not a possibility, Well it is, but I hope it doesn't happen to me.
9. Umbrella Rain. Water, falling. Not on me. 
10. clothes horse.
11. small suitcase Large suitcase? Plural
12. Posters. I dont got none. Clocks?
13. Formal clothes. Any clothes?
14. Photos. To remember what has been left behind, or who.
15. Rug I just want one. 
16. Speakers. Oh yeah. 
17. Recording device. Actually that i hadn't thought of that, I want one. 
18. Mini fridge. Where I will put my mini foods. 
19. drawing pins, bluetack. To put up said clocks. 

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