Thursday 14 January 2016

Planning my future

See two days ago I found out some news that is changing my life for ever and I am going to take it and run with it but I want to do this right.I want to be inspired by my research and the first thing I have stumbled across is reasons why your first year of university will be the best.

So far, all my information about university is from sims and american movies, sims suggests that it only lasts two weeks, and that I will need to minimally study and then get a good night sleep and be happy for the exam, actually I agree with the full night sleep and happy part, but I think It will be longer then two weeks and American movies only suggests parties, which Otago has a reputation for and I want to avoid.

The people. 
I am a people person so for me I don't have an issue meeting new people, but I want to meet people that are going to motivate me to continue forward with my life, continue on a positive track, for me that would be nice, but I attract the people that come into my life, so I am the one that needs to find the right people. It says here that the people you meet are often the people you stay friends with for the rest of your life.
You get freedom. 
No words... that is a given.
The course.
Yes I am very excited about this, very excited indeed. This is what I want to study, this the future, and I will work harder then I ever new I was capable off to complete the degree, but especially to make it through the first year, I am not going to fail.
The night life. 
This wont interest me too much, I like to be in bed by dark :P But I know things would change and who knows who I will become, although I do hope to be still some what the person I was before.
The food.
I will get to buy and eat what ever I want, which I sort of have been doing for years, a benefit because I know what I like and wont be experimenting with food as much. Not that I will have the money to buy anything but it would be nice to completely choose for myself.
I am not living in any halls as they are too expensive but I a flating so that should be a good experience.
Personal development.
Besides learning it is the main reason I am going to university. To become the best version of myself.

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