Saturday 16 January 2016

What to expect when you are expecting... I'm not pregnant.

Okay, I just read this post and will now edit it, to improve it, no one wants to read a list.

Things every college student needs to learn. Learn? Or be told before hand so that they can skip the learning part and go straight to the knowing part. 

Make friends with people who will lift you. Dont waste energy on broken friendships. University has thousands of people, it is a very short period of your life and there isn't time to try and make a friendship work, it does or it doesn't. 
Action building activities, they help your personality, change what you don't like. Every body changes during university, whether I like it or not I am going to change and not necessarily notice whether the change is good or bad. 
Go to office hours, talk with you lecturers after class. I actually have heard of people becoming friends with their lecturers, okay I have heard of more then that, but I don't wanna go there. the important thing is to use them, to help yourself. o.0
Don't skip classes. This is a lesson I have learnt already, When you attend you learn more, plus I learn by listening and paying attention, don't try to be the class clown me. 
Excessively use highlighters and note cards. Don't have to tell me twice, I live for this. I find it extremely entertaining. 
Grade are not eveeeerything. They are still extremely important. eh. Grades are everything. 
Find a balance between fun and work. It is still the most important time of your life, where you will develop and change into the person you are going to be, until you change more. 
accept your college ID will be awful. They always are. :) I challenge you to find a picture of me that isn't awful. Not photogenic 
Make sure you are always on track with classes, double check. Again use your professors. 
Never forget to use your student discounts. I am in New Zealand, I dont thing we get many and if we do it's pretty shit. 
Go to review classes. Go to all classes. 
Find a spot in the library and use it. That whole idea about making a spot yours, so it doesn't feel weird studying there. 
learn to do laundry. already can, It is my job after all, suck if I couldn't. 
accept the fact that you wont ace every test. I hope to improve every time. 
Stock your dorm with the free food from the dining hall. Did you say free? I love free. 
Remember to call your parents. I will miss them and their constant compliments. 
Stay physically and mentally healthy. Exercising has been linked to higher grades. I think it is important, I am going to come up with an exercising routine, and a stretching one, am to do it everyday but that won't be guaranteed somedays I won't have time, still doing it when I can is better then giving up when I fail to do it daily. 
Try and get a good night sleep when you can. My problem is going to be staying up to get things done, I do like sleeping, and refuse to drink coffee, tea fine, but not coffee. 
Take advantage of the free stuff offered by the university. Free? 
Be studious Mhhhmmmmmmm
Be responsible. mmmmmmmhhhhmmmmmm, I want to be taken seriously, I don't want to be the class clown, a clown out of class maybe, at that point though I think it is more of a comedian. 
Be spontaneous. Comedian. 
Save and back up your work, when using a computer. Darn, I know this all too well. 
Keep your mental health in check. Listen to me body, I think that is more important, understand what it is trying to tell me and follow the advice I have learnt. 
Maintain a college budget. Always pay rent first. Fun can come after. and don't forget to save. 
Get along with your room mates. I get along with everyone, I have a very friendly personality, something I pride myself on. 
Be proactive about fighting stresses. Don't let them got on top of you, write a blog, so it doesn't get all bottled up. 

Damn it, just wrote more lists with out even bothering to put any of my own flare on it.

Most importantly.
Change, grow and enjoy yourself. DOnt be afraid of change, meet it, greet it, free yourself, you are allowed to change. 

Still a list but I am thinking. Better. :)

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