Saturday 23 January 2016

How are things going with me.

To be honest, I haven't really been working to lose weight since I set myself the goal, I think I have gotten so use to losing weight with out putting any effort in that I don't really want to, I think I am going to have to get serious about that.
I am working quite a bit, which means I am to tired to make posts on this blog when I get home from work, which is why things have been pretty quiet recently.

I go the place. :) So I am getting ready for Otago, so far this year has been an awesome one and I am excited to see where it goes, I got inspired by a post a saw on Facebook saying that here comes a new 365 empty pages and we choose how to fill them and I realised that I want to document this year of my life, so that I can go back and look at it, so that is what I shall do.

I have a small problem when it comes to list and have been procrastinating packing and exercising to write lists, but one thing I really think I need to work to cut out is the procrastination, I want to be one of the people that do things, no more snoozing alarms and what not, I do like writing lists, so that I can continue to do, provided it is not in an attempt to get out of doing something important.

I have been working a lot at the retirement home folding laundry. :) Everyday except Friday this week, I am not upset about that I need the money for University.
I need to get my student allowance forms filled out, but I got my loan forms sent off.
I have bought a really really cute dress, :) Fell in love with it, oh and the most amazing chest. I know not things I need, but after how much I have been working I though I owed myself a small treat.

I talked to my grandparents, finally got a response back :) They're good, my grandmother is retiring and they said they wanted to give me a little bit of money to help, really nice of them and unexpected, I really appreciate it :)

All in all I am good.

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