Sunday 17 January 2016

New years resolution

Okay, so I am not really a new years resolution gal, and to be honest most people don't achieve the goals they set themselves anyway.
Last year I did how ever jokingly do one, with absolutely no intention of fulfilling it, and I completed it, I didn't complete it because it was my resolution, I completed it because my situation changed and I was in a position to do so, even though at the beginning when it was made I could not possibly have done it.
My new year resolution was to lose weight and that I did, I went from 156 down to 108 :) Very proud. but now my wish is too go down another dress size, ya know before school starts, so that gives me two months, okay about 5 weeks, and I think it is do able although I am not doing anything to lose the weight and I feel it might not be that good of a plan. So I need to get serious about it.

I have been reading a lot and some of the things that I have been reading are tips for becoming a better person, school, friendships. So what I really want to work on is myself and there are habits I need to break and routines I need to make.

Exercising keeps the weight off, allows you to better fight sickness, puts you in a better mood, boosts you energy, better sleep and it is fun. I personally enjoy it, but the more important thing is you only really need to do 30 minutes a day to reap the benefits.

I should ditch the all or nothing attitude it says here that, you dont need to do everything hard and fast sometimes you will have slow days. To be kind to yourself, everyday your body will work in different ways so just because you could do it one day and you couldn't do it the next isn't something to be upset about and finally accept reality and check you expectations, this isn't something that is fast to do, it will take time. You only need to exercise so much that you are breathing a little heavier then normal for you to get the benefits. Warm up first, drink plenty of water and always listen to your body.

Choose activities you enjoy and make you feel happy, I personally love running. :) Start small, dont push yourself to do something extreme that your body isn't ready for, take your time. Use zeitgeber an external cue to remind yourself of the time you exercise it reminds you easier and afterwards reward yourself. You can turn everyday activities into exercise, so you dont always have to do that afterwards and stretching your body morning and night from the day can create less pain.

I will be creating an work out plan. Alternating days, yo give myself a light day vs a hard day.
That, a plan I can continue through university. 

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