Saturday 23 January 2016

The rant

So, I started reading my sisters copy of the divergent series, I am on the second, she is on the third and she comes up to me, while I am doing my laundry and tells me that Tris dies, Im like 'whaaat, no way' and she goes 'yes way she dies'. later she then goes on to tell me she may or may not have dies but that I am going to have to read it for myself. This is why we have siblings, it is her turn to have some fun :P

I get it, I really do, and I will read it and find out for myself, she better not be dead.
I hope not.
I see whole heartedly why she said it, to get back at me for all the times I did stuff to her, you know as I am older, plus we have the same sense of humour. :)

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