Saturday 13 February 2016

I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather, not like the passenger in his car.

Breaking bad habits.
Firstly we will talk about which of our habits need to be broken, see I believe everyday is a good day to make a change, we never stop learning or growing, so why stop trying to make yourself the best version you can be, become someone you are proud of.
Apparently 45% of out daily decisions are just habits, it is one thing to read all of this, it is another to want to change these things, and only you can decide that it is time to break the negative habits, that started due to nervous or coping mechanisms. The daily habits, are important, the brain often needs to go on to autopilot to have a break.
Changing yourself, to be more focused and alert, to cut negative habits out of your life does not mean to remove fun from your life, it is just there to make normal everyday life more rewarding.
We all have habits we know are unproductive, and today is as good as any day to find a way to break them.

A bad habit, in a lot of regards, is something that you don't like yourself doing, it doesn't matter what anyone else says, it is about you. Common things that people don't like about themselves and change?

Eating in bed, eating lots of take out, holding on to someone toxic, over using your credit card, watching too much TV, keeping your tab open at the bar, jealousy of others success, failing to floss, 24 hour hang overs, drinking at work, texting continuously, sleeping till noon, gossiping, letting the trash pile up, revealing too much online (actually my whole point about this blog), passive aggressive notes, stealing, Facebook stalking, grocery shopping hungry, being to nervous to ask for help, leaving your umbrella at home, forgetting to say thank you, snacking, nail biting, procrastinating, swearing, chewing gum, tardiness, fidgeting, excessive screen time, not drinking enough water, eating late at night, not getting enough exercise, skimping on sleep, eating too much sodium, replacing your kitchen sponge enough, seeking approval from others, beer pong, sleeping through the weekends, binge drinking, credit cards, keeping bad friends, buying anything and everything you want, smoking,  avoiding your laundry, skipping beauty routines, pulling excuses, avoiding exercising, waiting for someone to do something for you, avoiding cleaning, giving up when things get tough, holding grudges, doing your laundry once a month, neglecting family, not taking responsibility, unhealthy dieting, texting while driving, not saving money, participating in drama, not staying up to date in current events, stress eating, sitting around, over grooming, skipping breakfast, over spending, listening to loud music, getting sunburnt, nail biting, wasting time online, picking your nose, drinking too much coffee, watching a lot of reality TV, emotional shopping, lots of social media, cracking you knuckles, speaking with your mouth full, talking to yourself, using slang, picking your teeth in public, humming to yourself, excessive salt, all work no play, biting your pen, nibbling while cooking, over eating, not holding eye contact, interrupting someone, excessive masturbating, staying up late, sleeping with make-up on, lying, overmedicating, eating too fast, not moisturising, not brushing your teeth, using your phone in bed, self criticism, trying to please everyone, day dreaming, using devices at night, breaking promises to yourself, rambling, repeating yourself, slouching, eating after 8pm, letting fear hold you back, telling secrets, losing focus, sitting to close to the TV, being unfriendly, losing your personal belongings, skipping class, skipping homework, skipping work, drinking energy drinks, spitting, licking you licks, drinking from the cartoon, leaving the fridge open, skipping meals, not showering, yelling too much, picking scabs, popping zits, losing your temper complaining, annoying people deliberately, being argumentative, starting a job and not finishing it, biting your lips, being an attention hog, scratching scabs, Opening countless tabs, trolling comments, poor hygiene, fiddling, bring your inner cheek, shoplifting, hoarding, being a no-it-all, bragging, eavesdropping, exaggerating, excessive clearing of your throat, flaking out, free loading, gambling, grinding your teeth, littering, one-upping, pencil chewing, speeding, talking during movies, tapping fingers, sucking your thumb, whining, borrowing and not returning items, loitering, bullying, gossiping, finishing peoples sentences.

A habit is formed by a cue, that leads to an action that feels like a reward, in order to break a habit you must break the cue by replacing it with something else more beneficial, something else that also gives you a reward.
It is important to cut out the triggers, this will stop you from continuing to do the same habits. Try making the change with another person and surrounding yourself with people who will help you make the change, this doesn't change the person that you are at all, just something that you use to do.
Put it into writing and finally use meditation to draw yourself away from the trigger.
And remember it won't be fast and it you will make mistakes so don't be hard on yourself.

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