Sunday 7 February 2016

💖 Love yourself. 💖

No not the song by Justin Bieber (aka Ed Sheeran)
This is something I have posted about before, it has been a while but recently I got thinking about it again.
Well my sister is in year ten now, and for the last year has been having some troubles with her friends at school, it isn't anyones fault, my sister has a lower maturity level then most girls, she is very closed off and has social issues, none of which make her a bad person, I love her to bits, and it is all just a part of her. But everyone else is growing up, they wanna hang out and talk about boys, have sleep overs, go shopping and what ever else girls these days do and my sister isn't interested, so she has drifted from her friends. 
At first it made her sad, and she spent last year getting upset about it (they would be her friend one day and ignoring her the next) It upset her, and understandably. School started back up this year and my sister has been really happy, she said that they don't really talk to her very often, but has been getting really into her school work, like really into it. Talking about it lots and doing more work then she needs to. 
Me and mum thought she seemed a little too happy, but both of us wanted to be wrong, my dad said that she might just be happy, the stuff with her friends might have been getting to her still, but she was trying to bury it under school work, that isn't the worst idea ever. 
We were right turns out she has been bursting into tears several times a day at school, at one point for half an hour. 
We wonder now, is this depression?
Is she okay?

It brings me back to loving yourself. I am not saying that things like this are easy, because I know it is incredibly hard but Somehow we all make it through, she shouldn't give up, because this is one part of her life, and she is incredible and will do amazing things with her life. 
The low moments, make you appreciate the good times so much more. Make you live in the moment, so much more.
We are all amazing. 

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