Tuesday 9 February 2016

Going to town

Well, today was exhausting, it is funny how doing something for months can seem really normal and when you take a break from it, going back seems more exhausting then the first time you did it.
Today I went into town, on the bus, getting up at 6am to make the travel in.
I went to say goodbye, well I am not that sentiment about these things, plus all of them in one way or another plan to visit me at some point during the year, so really it is good bye for now. I don't count that as something sad though. So no need for me to break out the old tear jar. 

I took the bus in the morning arrived at the bus exchange, took another bus to riccarton mall to meet up with a friend, we ate chicken, I bought a phone case, (a really good safety one) she looked for a bikini and then we headed back to the bus exchange. Well actually I did, she headed toward Hagley, where she is a year 13, wanting to go into Realestate (which I thought was interesting).

At the bus exchange I meet with another friend and we walked to the tram station to eat at this really cute Japanese restaurant, really reasonable prices. When we got there it was still closed so we drank coffee (or in my case, a hot chocolate) at the cafe next door before heading in.
The Japanese restaurant had such good prices, $30 (although $15 as we split the bill) and we bought fried tofu, dumplings, sushi and soup. So much food. 
After eating lunch we stayed there and talked, more like gossiped before heading to sumner so she could dress shop, for her birthday party. 

On the way to the the second hand store we stopped in at the really cute antique dress store, but the workers were really rude, firstly they entirely ignored me the whole time, except when I was looking at the jewellery and one of the woman thought I was going to steal something. Which suited me fine as I don't really care what two stuck up sales woman think of me. Secondly they were absolutely rude to my friend who wanted to buy one of their dresses, she fell in love with it from the first time she saw it, but the woman walked over and said, no that won't fit you it is only a size 6. When my friend asked to try it on they said fine and then after she had put it on she said that the invisible zip could be replaced by normal zip, which would add some detail to the back on the dress as it was a little boring, and also that the seams could be taken out a little, (her nana is a seamstress.) The woman serving us said, no that doesn't fit you, and you cant take it out so there isn't much point you buying it and started forcing other dresses onto her. None of which were her style. Eventually we got out of there but not before I bought a watch necklace. We took another bus to another clothing store, but she just didn't have the heart for it, kept comparing all the dresses to the little green dress in the store. I managed to convince her to take her nana into the store so they could discuss it, as it was a lot of money to spend on a hunch, personally I would want to be convinced that the dress can be modified before buy it, not that I am doubting her.

After the dress fiasco I headed to Liams house, we didn't do much of anything just relaxed put our feet up and had some good laughs.

Needless to say I will miss all of them, including a few others I never said goodbye to and may never see again. It is funny how people can climb into your life, affecting you in ways you never imagined, without you ever realising they had. People come into and out of your life precisely when they are meant to, so enjoy the time you have with everyone for as long as you have, never regret and never forget. 
As people say, sometimes you meet a person and click, but it is the wrong time, if it is meant to be you will meet them again when things are right. 

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