Friday, 16 October 2015

Ahh, so much to do, and enough to do it.

I have a real problem remembering everything I need to do in general,
I always forget to do the simplest things,
-Writing on my blog
-Writing a to do list
-Remembering to eat
-Staying out of my head.

What else...

-Discipline, very much along the same track as getting out on my own head.
-Emotional intelligence
-Sacrificing good grades for a social life.
-Passion and motivation. Not something you can force on yourself, you either have it or you don't.
-Make a list of priorities.
-Imagine the ideal me.

The post to think about is May it rest in peace.

I need to make a study schedule. like a big one with realistic times and views and breaks.

My morning schedule.
Firstly I am going to meditate then I will use the computer to look up my daily Zen inspiration, which I will post on here, and my word of the day, which I will put in my phone, I will write my to-do list, and my daily goal. I will then stretch, not a lot just a little, and get up, I will read my reminder about me and the reminder not to over think today, the reminder about learning self discipline.
through out the day, my short term goals are to persist with self discipline, including, not checking my phone and Facebook, you don't need to check it all the time, its not that important to check anyway. I will then drink a glass of water and have breakfast. Get ready for school, including organising what I will do on the bus, which could include a book or study but I need to know what it is and get on the bus. I will walk to school, possibly the long way, when I am feeling up to it, and not walking with Chris. At school I will do my usual stuff, working and talking to friends in short bursts.
I will remember the steps for self control and engage it when ever possible, remember to continue with teaching my mind to be more curious thinking about everything, controlling surface thoughts and suppressing unnecessary imaginative subconscious thoughts. After school I will study and go home, at Home I will go for a run, stretch and then have  a large glass of water, have dinner, shower, meditate, read, and go to sleep. Through out the day I will remember the line 'I ACCEPT MYSELF, I LOVE MYSLEF AND I FORGIVE MYSLEF FO RTHE THINGS I DIDNT KNOW UNTILL I LEARNT.'
MY plan of the day is a lot to remember, thats why I write it down, it relaxes the brain to not have to remember everything, lists are really important.
Seeing the bigger picture. What is the bigger picture for me, its happiness, and emotional maturity, its loving my self and being self reliant on who I am, it is freedom form negative thoughts, and not caring what others think. The bigger picture is not having to control what I think, because I have become free from the negative thoughts that bring me down.

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