Otago university is incredible, it is so huge and there are so many people, I now know enough people that if I walk around I don't feel so alone, I always recognise somebody. The focus of this year is too make a future for myself, to become a doctor, and along the way I have discovered that there is so much I am passionate about, being caught up in the dream, takes away from the journey, and in life it is only about the journey.
University is something that I had seen on movies, going to classes, and parties, studying nonstop, drinking nonstop. Dont get me wrong, this does happen, just not the way I thought it would. Movies paint us this picture, sometimes so well you feel like you have been there and done it, but this is not what I was expecting. :) I don't study twentyfourseven, I am not buried under a mountain or books and papers nearly as high as myself. I am not perfect, I often don't study as much as I need to, finding ways to procrastinate, But I do the work in the end, it always gets done.
Up until this morning in fact I hadn't missed a lecture, for me attending a lecture is more beneficial than an hour of study. I learn more in the fifty minute lecture then in three hours hard study. So instead I try and do both, I don't like not lectures. Although everything is recorded and later on this evening I plan to watch the lecture I missed.
So as far as studying is going, I am not doing enough, and if I want to get into a professional course I need to do more, heck if I want to so my absolute best I need to do more, it is why I cam here and although along the way I have found other things that brighten my day I haven't lost my passion, my original purpose or my dream. The light hasn't died, everyday it grows a little brighter.
What I am studying is absolutely amazing. I am in love with HUBS, in fact there is an anatomy course I could take next year that focuses specifically on Bones and anatomy, something I would love, I struggle to understand where this could lead in the future and that is what holds me back.
See Sometimes I feel like I want to be able to say, hey world I am a dr, is this really where my passion lies, is being a doctor really what I want to do. This is the year for these questions, and slowly they will be answered.
I do love what I am studying and very rarely regret my decision or struggle to get out of bed. in fact i get excited at what I am learning. This year isn't super hard it is just a lot of work. It just means sometimes you have to say no I cant do that with you I am going to stay home study. The biggest part of this year is time management, and responsibility.
As far as school work goes, I love HUBS and CELS and have my mid terms for them, they went okay, it pointed out the amount of work I need to do in order for them to go even better, showed me my weaknesses and taught me about the formate of the exam.
PHSI and CHEM are the biggest struggle for me and to make matters worse they are the ones I put the least amount of effort into. The one thing I know not to do, but I want to study what I enjoy studying.
Lectures are insane, there are so many people in one room, and the lecturer just talks at you the entire time, while you furiously scribble and listen simultaneously in an attempt to understand everything they're saying, because they have so much information to get through, very few stop, but some have demonstrations and entertainment breaks.
the interlinking system uni has set up so that only one class gets the lecturer and the others get streamed a live copy is terrible, it breaks more often then it works, seems extremely frustrating for the IT department, makes some lectures really annoying, but when it goes well, it is actually not to bad. :)
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